


If you would like to remark on any article please click the comments button at the bottom of each posting. However, if you don’t want your views or ideas on show to every Tom, Dick or Harry; have a suggestion on improving CabbieBlog; or prefer to get in touch with me in person, then you have come to the right place.

Sorry, it’s a bit convoluted but I’m fed up with getting spam offering to help my finances, increase the number of visitors to CabbieBlog or improve my manhood. CabbieBlog kindly requests any companies offering SEO advice, social media strategy or any other business advice to expand the blog’s audience, not to bother contacting.

You can contact me via this rather irritating form.


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6 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Thanks for your swift reply GS. I’m a bit of a techno dinosaur but Twitter is a good shout!

    All the best, Antony.

    Ps: Random question!! Do you have any idea at what rate the metre slows down to when in “stopped” mode and the cab is in motion?


    1. My understanding (I’ve stopped it on many occasions, expecting the punter to get out) is that it calculates distance, but not time. OK if you’re not stuck in traffic jams.


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Taxi Talk Without Tipping